As I continue to assess my position and role here, I find my mind in many places because there are so many things going on in the world. As an Afrikan, it is my duty to respond and at least be aware of what's going on from the most sensational events of our world to even the mundane. 2010 has been a tragic year for the Afrikan Iaspora. At the start of the year, Jan. 12th to be exact, a collosal earthquake shaked the tiny nation of Haiti. Our long lost brothers/sisters/cousins whose own revolution in 1804 catapulted freedom for the entire Afrikan slaves in the West to be free. A republic whose continuous drain of resources, people and culture has been taken away in less than 30 seconds. It seemed like the most un-natural natural disaster the world had ever seen, (I would say even over Katrina in New Orleans 2005). Haiti, it appears has no friends, and has no infrastructure to support itself. It was already dependent on international support and as a result has been left extremely vulnerable to those who have plucked at its insides for the pass 200 years, trying to devour the nation that is Haiti. This entire year just saw complete collapse after collapse in the country, with the continued corruption and depletion of economic depravity that it was experiencing before the earthquake. Later in the year, the hurricane season passed through with torrential rains as people were forced to weather the storm in tents, and plastic sheets as their home. Millions and millions of people living in squalid conditions, that it appears a priviliged eye can only turn its nose at, or feel completely dissolved at seeing. The helpless situation turned from worse to even more worse when cholera was found in streams where UN soldiers were dumping excrement and all kinds of stuff, quickly amputated the country once more into an epidemic that has killed over 2000 ppl and infected hundred thousands more. When will the pain in Haiti stop I've wondered. Toward the end of the year election factions quickly set off another round of dampening news that Haitians were displeased of results that they didn't want. Corruption, corruption, corruption is all one can say. Meanwhile millions and millions of dollars and resources wait in coffers until a leader is elected that can effectively distribute the goods to ppl. But it seems a long time coming for Haiti.
I can only sigh a deep sigh for the nation that showed us what Revolution is truly all about.

My other spiritual home Jamaica was also troubled in 2010 with lots of criminal activity (but that may be usual) and senseless murders and tragedies. However, the music that is reggae, my first love saw the passing of tall and irreplaceable giants in the genre. Yabby You aka Vivian Jackson, (Jan 2010), Sugar Minott (Aug.2010) Gregory Isaacs (Oct 2010) were all pillars of talent and musical history that can never be duplicated. The lives of these great men is showcased through their music, an impeccable history no doubt as Jamaican reggae music no longer produces musicians with such depth, calibur and cultural expression that these three men gave. Other news in the reggae world saw an embattled Buju Banton foregoing a nasty drug trial in Florida, that was one of unbelievability, and absolute shock. Buju Banton a renowned Rastafarian musican was charged with trying to buy and distribute 5 kilos of cocaine, the details in the transcript show Banton either was trying to extend his income in a world where he had become public enemy #1 by gay rights groups, hindering his ability to make money and perform as he used to. But dabbling in drugs and diamonds to be a supposed kingpen slash musician? The case smelled of absolute coersion and entrapment, but nonetheless Banton languished in prison for 10 months before his trial was found to be hung. A retrial is scheduled for February 2011 and meanwhile Banton is out on bail. No more Scaraface okay boo!
Vivian Jackson aka Yabby You |
Sugar Minott |
Gregory Isaacs |
On the homefront or rather the home and the brave front, Black america continues to suffer under the demonic spell of white domination, and while there have been some strides, there has not been enough. Black political leaders were targeted and taken down one by one, and some of them because of their own stupidity and corruption. Black entertainers continue to be the brunt of all jokes, with most of them selling their souls for nothing, Black american music has been going completely to the gutter and there never really seems to be any improvement in this area. Lastly there seems to be a constant obsession in Black hollywood films that show Black women as depressed and dysfunctional creatures of habit with no shame. I don't know, but 2010 to be Black in america has been absolutely difficult. Unemployment, underemployment and our lack of ownership continues to increase, lack of housing, decent education and justice continues to proliferate. Racism in 2010 showed its ugly head more than ever, with white folks just going outright insane, committing openly racist acts in public, on camera in government halls and anywhere else they could not hide their hoods and sheets. At the highest pinnacle President Obama, has encountered open racists insults against him and his family, his policies and sometimes in his face. There has been an outright assault on him, because he is a Black man and he is the President. Causing republicans and so called tea party voters to do everything they could to thwart his progress. Despite Obama being a candidate of corporations, his candor does not come off as one who has sold out in his soul, but sold out to make a difference (if there's such a thing). He's no MLK, and definately no Malcolm X, but each of us as black ppl see a little bit of both of them in him and as a result we have have been critical of him, but we haven't turned our backs on him. Either way, no president can change our situation. I say once more as I say again, repatriation is our only answer. Progress for us is an illusion at best, casting off the flys as they sway in our face is all we can do here.

2010 has been a year that will go down in the books as the beginning of Armageddeon, it appears the dawn is on us whether we like it or not. We can no longer accept the trivial commercialization of our souls as the norm, for if we do, we indeed perish in this illusion. I wish you a better 2011, Africa, and the Iaspora.
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